Why Use Social Lite?First up, our app is tiny in size and features. At less than 2mb we free up your device of over 150mb of space! We don't bog you down we features, in fact the only feature we have is the ability to jump quickly into your app.
Secondly, our app is simple to use, free from ads, and fullscreen so you get the most immersive experience when checking out your social feeds.
Thirdly, your social apps are fast, really fast, because our app uses Android's Web View you get all the benefits that it offers including super fast rendering. Whip through your feeds at lighting speed!
Simple to use:Simply swipe the menu out from the left, then tap your social web app.That's it, your in your web app!
Features:Ad freeTiny, less than 2mbFullscreenPortrait and landscape supportPhone and tablet compatibleSaves battery life (less requests being made)Included: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Linkedin, Google+, Untappd, Pinterest, Meetup & ElloBonus: Google search and navigate the web in fullscreen.
Feel free to request additional social apps and features, drop me a mail at
[email protected]